Larisa’s patients Google’s Reviews

August 1, 2020
2020: UPDATE. I gave birth to a beautiful, extremely healthy 9 pound, 22 inch baby girl in October 2017. She came out of the womb smiling. She is now almost 3 and has rarely been ill despite being in daycare and is ahead in all development areas. One week after my daughters second birthday, I was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer. I started seeing Larisa again to aid with tolerating chemo, recovering from surgery and handling radiation. The impact my treatments with her have had have been truly amazing. Not only did it immediately combat fatigue and relief other side effects, I also had truly miraculous results with chemo, which I believe in part is due to my acupuncture sessions with Larisa that allowed my body to optimize my cancer treatments. All of my doctors and nurses have commented on how well my body has tolerated the treatments. I am so fortune to have a genuine healer to help me through this difficult journey. 2017: Larisa is very gifted. I came to her in an effort to get pregnant but I most immediately noticed improvement with my sinuses. I have had several surgeries and taken medication for many years without much noticeable improvement and after only a couple sessions my breathing was vastly improved. I also became pregnant the month after I started seeing her and have continued seeing her throughout my pregnancy. I am now 3 weeks away from my due date and am fortunate to say that the pregnancy has gone very well. I believe my sessions with Larisa have greatly contributed my overall well being as well as the health of my baby. I have seen other acupunturists and the experience was nothing like seeing Larisa – I now would only trust her or someone else that she specifically recommends for acupuncture.
Stephanie Slawnik
Stephanie Slawnik
June 22, 2017
I’ve been struggling with digestive/hormonal/mental health issues for years and haven’t been able to get a clear diagnosis or effective treatment from US doctors. I truly believe that the combination of Larisa’s European Medical background and her deep commitment and talent with TCM allowed her to see the big picture with my case. After one treatment I felt immeasurably better and I have a clear plan moving forward. Even though I live out of state she has made herself available to me as I work towards better health. She spent so much time connecting with me and I reached such relaxation during the treatment I want to move to Chicago just to keep seeing her regularly! I can’t believe the results. I’m so thankful for her multi-disciplinary approach. It’s exactly what I’ve been searching for.
Dustin Kaminsky
Dustin Kaminsky
June 15, 2017
Larisa truly is one of a kind. I have been seeing her for several years now for various issues ranging from seasonal allergies to elevated blood pressure. She has been able to get to the root of each problem and correct them through acupuncture. Larisa’s ability to blend eastern and western medicine enables her to treat the cause and not just the symptom.
Tiffany Williams
Tiffany Williams
May 4, 2017
Larisa is amazing at what she does. I started going to see her for a bladder issue I was having, and she was the only person who could actually help me. I had been to two urologists and a physical therapist, and none of them could effectively treat my condition. She was able to treat it with acupuncture and I experienced a significant reduction in my pain and discomfort after my first visit. I continue to see her for maintenance of my bladder condition, improved circulation, and now pregnancy. During my first trimester, I was very tired and nauseous and she was able to eliminate 90% of my nausea and fatigue with one treatment. She also has a wealth of knowledge on many other topics related to the body and gives great advice on how to eat properly for your specific condition and what natural herbs and supplements to take that could help. I would highly recommend her to anyone experiencing a medical issue that western medicine has not been able to effectively treat. Also, getting acupuncture just feels good! When I leave her office, my body feels relaxed, rejuvenated, happy, and just generally good.
Greg Bloomer
Greg Bloomer
May 3, 2017
Going to Larisa is always a highlight of my week. I always leave feeling better than when I came, and in just a few sessions she was able to help me immensely with issues I had been suffering from for years. Would highly recommend her to anybody.
susan arjmand
susan arjmand
May 2, 2017
I consider Larisa extremely knowledgeable about medicine and how its practiced in the West as well as Chinese medical approaches and therefore she is uniquely positioned to help patients whose background is in Western medicine. She has been extremely helpful to me and I recommend her without reservation. S. Arjmand, MD
Joe Putignano
Joe Putignano
May 2, 2017
Larisa treatments have made a great difference in my on going health. I would highly recommend her services if your interested in moving your health to the next level.
Kelly Oswald
Kelly Oswald
April 24, 2017
I had not been able to find a solution to my problems for as long as I can remember. No doctors were able to help. Larisa cured my problems and I could not be more thankful! If you are looking for a solution, this is it! I would be shocked if another acupuncturist would be able to help you like Larisa can.
Robyn Scott
Robyn Scott
April 24, 2017
Larisa is an incredibly gifted healer. She has depth and breadth in her knowledge base and skill set. She has helped me remedy very serious health issues. Larisa is as kind as she is brilliant and I recommend her highly!
Dr. Turin is so talented and is just an amazing person overall! She helped to fix my horrible tailbone injury that had refused to heal for years until I met her. Tailbone injuries are very tricky and I saw numerous doctors and physical therapists who did not know what to do and had wanted to prescribe heavy painkillers that had horrific side effects. I researched injuries like mine extensively, and I was dismayed to see that for some people, they never fully heal. Or for some people, it takes like 10 years. I was not ready to accept that, so I looked into acupuncture and found Larissa. I wish I would have found her right away! Once I started seeing her, I finally noticed improvements. They were slow, but steady. I was thrilled. And now, I am essentially pain-free. Plane travel used to be the worst for me, with two hour flights seeming like endless torture-fests. But I just had a 14 (!) hour flight with no pain. Seriously. I would have never thought that was possible before her. I should further mention that Dr. Turin additionally helped me with shoulder pain I had as well as other issues that arose over the years. For example, she helped ease allergies for me, with the added bonus of making me look younger and refreshed after seeing her. Honestly, after seeing her and meeting up with friends, they asked me what I had done to look so good. Also, I adore her loving-yet-matter-of-fact manner. She can be blunt, but it is so helpful and refreshing. She also has a great sense of humor! She has a holistic approach, so you end up discussing life in general, and she really cares about her patients. Oh, and the treatment rooms in her office are all great, relaxing and she plays amazingly relaxing music to chill out to. And for all the novices out there- it doesn't hurt at all. I fell asleep during every appointment. I no longer live in Chicago, and seeing her is one of the things I miss most about it. No joke. You are all lucky to have her!
I've been looking for someone like Larisa for 11 years now. I moved here from Miami Beach, and had a great Chinese medicine practitioner there. Having been to a few places here, and it was not the same. Larisa is a wealth of knowledge and is fantastic. I have a re-occurring ankle problem that flares up about once a year, and she performed acupuncture on me, and then burned moxa on those points, and now I'm better. I walked out of there with NO pain. Today its raining, and still no pain. I'm definitely going back to her for other ailments that have occurred since moving north - like body aches and arthritis. She was speaking to me about cupping, which I've had performed on me in Miami Beach. Very few acupuncturists perform moxa burning and cupping, which are great ways to relieve pain. I just can't wait to go back to her. She's Great!!!!!!
I went to Larisa, years ago (2002 to be exact) for migraines and after 2 treatments I have yet to have one, it's a great feeling. It was her listening to me that help me realized what my daily intake was and I was open to suggestions. I now visit her for allergies about twice a month and other female stuff. If you come in with an open mind and be patient for alternative medicine then this is a place for you. Don't be disappointed after your first treatment afterall it's your body that needs to adjust. I know she also does treatments for fertility, menopause. and people with chronic illness plus comestic acupuncture. Check with your insurance to find if they cover alternative medicane, some do while others don't. She also assist people in diet, weight loss. I prefer the vitamins she carries. If you go after 3pm, there is a garge in which you pay only $6 bucks. I take advantage of that and meet up with friends afterwards. Hours are flexible so don't be afraid to walk in during lunch time, although evenings are pretty tight a week out so do plan ahead.