Acupuncture helps with headaches better than pills British researchers have found that acupuncture is a more effective treatment for headaches than pharmaceuticals. The researchers divided all the participants in the experiment into two groups: some took traditional medications, while others were treated with acupuncture. It turned out that the frequency of headaches in those treated with acupuncture decreased by 43 percent, while in the group taking the pills, it decreased by only 16 percent. In addition, after acupuncture, patients began to visit the doctor much less often than those taking pills. Each patient kept a diary in which he recorded the frequency and intensity of headaches every day for a year. Compared with those taking medication, patients who saw an acupuncturist experienced 22 days less pain and were 15 percent less likely to have to take sick leave for health reasons. “Acupuncture produces sustained, clinically significant improvements in patients with headaches, especially migraines,” the study authors conclude. Acupuncture has proven to be not only effective, but also a cheaper treatment for headaches than pills. This allows acupuncture to be considered as one of the official methods and used in public clinics in the UK.
Acupuncture is more effective for migraines than pills. From Western Medicine’s point of view, an unbalanced nervous system can be a major cause of Migraine, especially trigeminal nerve-related headaches. Obviously, medications are the only choice of treatment for most patients. British researchers have found that acupuncture is a more effective treatment for headaches than pharmaceuticals.
The researchers divided all the participants in the experiment into two groups: some took traditional medications, while others were treated with acupuncture. It turned out that the frequency of headaches in those treated with acupuncture decreased by 43 percent, while in the group taking the pills, it decreased by only 16 percent. In addition, after acupuncture, patients began to visit the doctor much less often than those taking pills. Each patient kept a diary in which he recorded the frequency and intensity of headaches every day for a year.
Compared with those taking medication, patients who saw an acupuncturist experienced 22 days less pain and were 15 percent less likely to have to take sick leave for health reasons. “Acupuncture produces sustained, clinically significant improvements in patients with headaches, especially migraines,” the study authors conclude. Acupuncture has proven to be not only effective but also a cheaper treatment for headaches than pills. This allows acupuncture to be considered one of the official methods used in public clinics in the UK.